Core ML Tools FAQs
This page offers frequently asked questions (FAQs):
- What are some major changes between versions of Core ML Tools?
- How do I convert models from PyTorch?
- How do I convert models from Keras?
- How do I fix a Core ML model prediction that has a high numerical error compared to the source model?
- How do I handle image preprocessing parameters when converting torchvision models?
- How do I handle an "Error in declaring network" or an "Error computing NN outputs"?
- Are TensorFlow or PyTorch the only starting points to make a deep learning Core ML model?
- How do I handle the unsupported op error "convert function for op not implemented"?
- Can I choose custom names for the input and outputs of the model during conversion?
- If I change my fixed-shape model to use flexible inputs, will it still run on the Apple Neural Network (ANE)?
Core ML Tools Versions
coremltools 6
For details, see New Features. Highlights:
- Added model compression utilities to compress the weights of a Core ML model, thereby reducing the space occupied by the model.
- Enabled Float 16 input/output types including grayscale images and float 16 Multiarrays.
coremltools 5
For details, see New in Core ML Tools 5. Highlights:
- Core ML models now also use a directory format, called
, rather than just a protobuf file. - Added a new backend: ML program, which offers typed execution and a new GPU runtime backed by MPSGraph.
coremltools 4
Major upgrade. Hightlights:
- Introduced the Unified Conversion API with the
method for converting models from TensorFlow 1, TensorFlow 2 (tf.keras), and PyTorch. - Introduced the Model Intermediate Language (MIL) as an internal intermediate representation (IR) for unifying the conversion pipeline, and added graph passes to this common IR. Passes that improve performance continue to be added, so we recommend that you always use the latest version of coremltools to convert your models.
PyTorch Conversion
- Prior to Core ML Tools 4: Use
, which internally calls intocoremltools
. - Core ML Tools 4 and newer: Use the Unified Conversion API. (The
converter is frozen and no longer updated or maintained.)
Keras Conversion
As of the Core ML Tools 4 release, the coremltools.keras.convert
converter is no longer maintained, and is officially deprecated in Core ML Tools 5 . The Unified Conversion API supports conversion of tf.keras
models, using a TensorFlow 2 (TF2) backend.
If you have an older model that uses TensorFlow 1 (TF1), we recommend exporting it as a TF1 frozen graph def (.pb
) file. You can then convert this file using the Unified Conversion API. For an example of how to export the old keras model to .pb
, see method _save_h5_as_frozen_pb
in the Troubleshooting section of the coremltools 3 Neural Network Guide.
Fixing High Numerical Error
For a neural network, set the compute unit to CPU as described in Set the Compute Units. For example:
# neural networks
model = ct.convert(source_model,
# or when loading the model
model = ct.models.MLModel("model.mlmodel", compute_units=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY)
# now when prediction is called on this model, it will use the
# higher precision Float32 CPU path for execution.
# to check the compute unit of an already loaded model,
# simply check the property
For an ML program, set compute_precision
to Float 32 as described in Set the ML Program Precision. For example:
# ml programs
# provide a higher compute precision during conversion
model = ct.convert(source_model, compute_precision=ct.precision.FLOAT32)
For more information, see Typed Execution.
Image Preprocessing for Converting torchvision
Preprocessing parameters differ between torchvision and Core ML Tools but can be easily translated, as described in Add Image Preprocessing Options. For example, you can set the scale and bias for an ImageType
, which corresponds to the torchvision parameters:
scale = 1/(0.226*255.0)
bias = [- 0.485/(0.229) , - 0.456/(0.224), - 0.406/(0.225)]
image_input = ct.ImageType(shape=example_input.shape,
Error in Declaring Network or Computing NN Outputs
File an issue at the coremltools
Github repository by following the instructions in Issues and Queries. As a workaround, try using CPUOnly
compute units during conversion, as described in Set the Compute Units. For example:
import coremltools as ct
model = ct.convert(tf_model, compute_units=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY)
# or if loading a pre converted model
model = ct.models.MLModel("model.mlmodel", compute_units=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY)
Starting a Deep Learning Core ML Model
You can define a Core ML model directly by building it with the MIL builder API. This API is similar to the torch.nn
or the tf.keras
API for model construction. For an example, see Create a MIL Program.
Handling an Unsupported Op
Be sure that you are using the newest version of Core ML Tools. If you still get this error, please file an issue in the coremltools
Github repo by following the instructions in Issues and Queries.
As a workaround, you may want to write a translation function from the missing op to the existing MIL ops. For examples, see Composite Operators.
Choosing Custom Names for Input and Outputs
When using ct.convert()
, the input names and output names are automatically picked up by the converter from the source model. After conversion you can see these names by doing one of the following:
- Saving the model and using it with Xcode, as described in Save and Load the Model and Use the Model with Xcode.
- Getting the model spec object and printing the names, as shown in the following example:
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlmodel')
spec = model.get_spec()
# get input names
input_names = [ for inp in spec.description.input]
# get output names
output_names = [ for out in spec.description.output]
You can update these names by using the rename_feature
ANE With Flexible Input Shapes
When converting a fixed-shape model (which already runs on the ANE) to use flexible inputs, you should specify a flexible input shape with a set of predetermined shapes using EnumeratedShapes
. The converted model will run on the ANE, unless the conversion introduces dynamic layers not supported on the ANE, such as converting a static reshape to a fully dynamic reshape.
With EnumeratedShapes
the model can be optimized for the finite set of input shapes on the device during compilation. You can provide up to 128 different shapes. If you need more flexibility for inputs, consider setting the range for each dimension.
For details and examples of using flexible input shapes, see Flexible Input Shapes.
Updated almost 2 years ago