MLModel Utilities
The following are useful utilities for processing MLModel
objects. To learn more about MLModel, see MLModel Overview. For the full list of utilities, see the API reference.
Rename a feature
A feature in this case refers to a model input or a model output. You can rename a feature in the specification using the rename_feature()
method. For example:
import coremltools as ct
# Get the protobuf spec
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlmodel')
spec = model.get_spec()
# Edit the spec
ct.utils.rename_feature(spec, 'old_feature_name', 'new_feature_name')
# reload the model with the updated spec and re-save
model = ct.models.MLModel(spec)"MyModel.mlmodel")
Convert all double multi-array feature descriptions to float
You can convert all double
multi-array feature descriptions (input, output, and training input) to float multi-arrays using the convert_double_to_float_multiarray_type()
method. For example:
import coremltools as ct
# Get the protobuf spec
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlmodel')
spec = model.get_spec()
# In-place convert multi-array type of spec
Evaluate classifier, regressor, and transformer models
To test the correctness of a conversion, you can use use evaluation methods to compare predictions to the original framework. Use this type of evaluation for models that don’t deal with probabilities.
For example, you can evaluate a Core ML classifier model and compare it against predictions from the original framework using the evaluate_classifier()
method, as shown in the following code snippet:
import coremltools as ct
# Evaluate a classifier specification for testing.
metrics = ct.utils.evaluate_classifier(spec,
'data_and_predictions.csv', 'target')
# Print metrics
{"samples": 10, num_errors: 0}
To evaluate a regressor model, use the evaluate_regressor()
// Evaluate a CoreML regression model and compare against predictions from the original framework (for testing correctness of conversion)
metrics = coremltools.utils.evaluate_regressor(spec, 'data_and_predictions.csv', 'target')
{"samples": 10, "rmse": 0.0, max_error: 0.0}
To evaluate a transformer model, use the evaluate_transformer()
// Evaluate a transformer specification for testing.
input_data = [{'input_1': 1, 'input_2': 2}, {'input_1': 3, 'input_2': 3}]
expected_output = [{'input_1': 2.5, 'input_2': 2.0}, {'input_1': 1.3, 'input_2': 2.3}]
metrics = coremltools.utils.evaluate_transformer(scaler_spec, input_data, expected_output)
Updated almost 4 years ago